- Welcome -
Jody Giachello is a professional drummer, and is available for touring, recording, composing, producing, and educational needs. Over 30 years of playing experience, musically diverse and versatile.
Proudly endorsed by Paiste Cymbals, Gretsch Drums, Aquarian Drumheads, Vater Drumsticks, and Big Fat Snare Drum.
Stay up to date with the latest releases and news from Jody Giachello Aka Fourth Dimension (4D) and all of his various projects and shows.
The highly anticipated follow up to MKV1 is out now on all digital platforms.
New Album released on Asian Man Records by LA based rock band Chotto Ghetto. Click the link below to stream their latest single Internet Eye.
"Transcend time and space. Awaken to what is behind the veil of what our eye's perceive as reality. Enter the Fourth Dimension." (4D) - Tesseract EP